

The AUFGUSS Code of Ethics arises from the need to establish ethical reference criteria for the work of all those who are part of AUFGUSS and share its purposes. It represents an internal regulatory instrument to complement the Articles of Association, having an indicative and non-exhaustive character of conduct. Membership in AUFGUSS implies compliance with the general legal rules in force, as well as acceptance, full membership and signature of the Articles of Association as well as this Code of Ethics.
The Aufgussmeister
The Aufgussmeister or Sauna Master (hereinafter referred to as AM) recognised by the Association, in addition to observing this code, must have attended a training course that enables him/her to become a member of the Association in accordance with the statute and regulations.

The Aufguss

Aufguss is a ritual with physical and mental benefits, practised inside a sauna. It consists of pouring cold water and/or ice, possibly enriched with essential oils, over the hot stones of the stove/brazier, thus raising the humidity of the environment and the perception of heat. The heat from the cooker transports the water vapour to the sauna ceiling. The Aufgussmeister uses a variety of wave techniques to move the warm, moist air so that it is distributed throughout the sauna environment and to the users.
The sauna is prepared a few minutes before the Aufguss ritual by opening the door to facilitate the exchange of air and enrich the atmosphere with oxygen. The Aufguss usually also includes a so-called presentation in which, in addition to the AM who will perform the ritual, the type and duration of the Aufguss, the essential oils used and basic recommendations on behaviour and safety are presented; then the actual ritual takes place, divided into several phases, called moulds, in which the Aufgussmeister pours water/ice (with the addition of essential oils) into the brazier and moves the air. In conclusion, the AM checks the exit of users from the sauna and good cooling practices, contributing to the detection of any emergency before going to take a shower. The AM must leave the Sauna in order after the execution of his Aufguss by removing the furniture from the equipment and everything else he has brought in.
The Aufguss can be performed with one or more towels, flags, fans, weathervane, birch branches, eucalyptus etc. .... Other related activities/other relaxing methods, such as Tibetan bells, KNEIPP, meditation, aromatherapy, etc. can be integrated in the execution of an Aufguss ...
The so-called " modern " Aufguss is usually accompanied by music of any kind, possibly aimed at relaxing users. The AM always has a towel with him, distinct from the towel or objects that are used for ventilation, capable of drying the sweat to prevent it from reaching the users while operating the various rituals in the sauna.
The Spanish Association of Saunas and Aufguss (AUFGUSS) recommends and promotes the use of natural 100% essential oils and sauna attendance without a disguise according to the Nordic tradition.

The centre

The various wellness centres, swimming pools and saunas wishing to join AUFGUSS must sign this code, respect it and guarantee the Aufgussmeister the conditions to act in accordance with these principles.

Part one

Art. 1 Purpose

This ethical code of conduct is drawn up in order to establish the adherence to AUFGUSS of its Members and the sharing of all the ethical values that constitute the purpose of AUFGUSS; to regulate the behaviour of members; to ethically regulate the relationships between members; between AUFGUSS and its interlocutors, including those who, through donations of all kinds, enable it to achieve its objectives. AUFGUSS members subscribe to this code and undertake to respect it in order to ensure their conduct in collaboration with the Centres in which they operate, their users and other AM.

Art. 2 Principle of profit

AM carries out its activity in compliance with the laws and regulations of the centres in which it operates, both voluntarily and professionally, with the sole intention of offering users a wellness experience.
The well-being sought by a user in a Centre implies, as a necessary premise, that all AOS action is carried out in safe conditions, is guided by common sense, and is oriented towards offering benefits.

Art. 3 Respect

The AM always works and in particular in the Aufguss rite, scrubs and various saunistic rituals, taking care of the utmost respect for the person, the body and the health of the user. Respect for the user implies the utmost attention to personal hygiene and places, respect for the physical safety of those attending the various rituals, compliance with the safety regulations of the centre in which it operates, as well as prudence, common sense and risk prevention.
The MA takes care that the principles expressed above are also reflected in the public image it gives itself through Social Networks, its public profiles, and the profiles of the centres where it operates, taking care to distinguish moments of healthy and enjoyable fun from the publication of this, when this publication, because it is transported outside its natural context, can damage its image, that of other MAs, that of the Centres, and the entire Sauna Movement.
The AM operates in compliance with the partners and the centre in which he/she operates or in which he/she is a guest, respecting its regulations, organisation and indications on the type of aufguss to be performed and on the organisation of its programme. The AOS does not perform an aufguss if it is not authorised by the centre.

Art. 4 Nudity

The request to practice the sauna without the costume is due to health reasons. In fact, it is advisable to ritualise the sauna without clothing that can prevent sweating and, consequently, increase the internal temperature of the body, as well as the absorption of toxic substances. If a garment is considered, it is recommended that it is still woven from natural fibres.
The practice of nudity in the sauna circuits is another part of naturism, it is part of the so-called "Nordic" tradition proposed by AUFGUSS as a reflection and progressive adherence of the Members of the Centres and users to a behaviour more in accordance with the principles of the sauna.

Art. 5 Information and education

In collaboration with the centres in which it operates, both voluntarily and professionally, the AOS can provide information and lessons on the correct way to experience the sauna. In particular, he/she can collaborate with the user for the correct approach to the sauna, its preparation, knowledge of the heat and cold cycle, knowledge of the different types of sauna and indications for different personal needs, appropriate times and ways of relaxation, etc....

Art. 6 free membership

AM works by allowing users to choose whether or not to participate in saunistic rites by illustrating their benefits and not forcing users into endurance races or tests of physical stamina.
In order to help users to consciously participate in the Aufguss sauna ritual, taking responsibility for the choice, the AM carefully presents the same in the following ways:

  • He makes the users sit in the sauna and invites them to keep all parts of the body in their sheet, avoiding contact with the wood; if he performs activities in the steam bath, he makes sure that they have enough space to carry out the exfoliation practices in mutual respect;
  • Introduces and welcomes users, giving instructions on how to behave during and after the sauna;
  • He advises those who cannot stand the high temperatures, or those who are participating in the rite for the first time, to sit on the lower benches;
  • Inform users that it is possible to leave the sauna at any time, especially in case of discomfort or difficulty;
  • Invite users to take a shower to remove sweat and cleanse the body, especially after a scrub, before entering any cooling tank;
  • List the essences used;
  • Communicates the duration of the Aufguss;
  • If music is used during Aufguss, nor does it provide information to users;
  • He emphasises the importance of cooling after Aufguss and suggests any way to obtain it (open air, fresh shower, reaction tank, Kneipp tube, ...).
  • Activates the hourglass in the sauna to detect the duration of the Aufguss;

Art. 7 individual teams

The AOS will use in its rituals various tools, oils and other raw materials that meet the above criteria, i.e. they must ensure the safety of the user and their well-being, therefore it is the responsibility of the AOS, or the responsibility of the centre, to procure possibly certified pure essential oils of organic origin and materials suitable for the temperatures and functions of the sauna.
The AM always has a towel with him, distinct from the towel or objects used for ventilation, capable of drying the sweat to prevent it from reaching the users while operating the various rituals in the sauna.

Art. 8 reports

In cases where the AM detects inappropriate and improper behaviour on the part of users, or another AM, which violates the Centre's regulations, common sense, decency, common morals, disturbing other users or even detecting harassment, violence or the like, he/she is obliged to report the behaviours and persons implementing them to the employees of the Centre in which he/she operates, if acting voluntarily, so that those who have the task of providing disciplinary measures according to the Centre's regulations, can take the necessary measures. If, on the other hand, the AM is an employee of the Centre, he/she acts in accordance with the regulations.

Art. 9 emergency intervention

The AM does not have specific first aid duties unless he/she is an employee of the Centre, trained for this purpose, or is not a doctor or paramedic. In cases of emergency he/she operates promptly in accordance with the emergency response procedures specific to the location where he/she operates and in accordance with the basic skills learned in training courses, for the safety of the injured person and timely rescue alert.

Art. 10 the centre

AUFGUSS member centres, or which intend to apply for sponsorship for AUFGUSS events, adhere to this code of ethics, and through their internal regulations and their work ensure respect and dissemination.
The Centre is responsible for admitting users internally in order to offer them a set of services, in conditions of personal safety, aimed at their psychophysical well-being. The Centre is also responsible for authorising the AOS to carry out its activity, whether voluntary, dependent or otherwise remunerated. This authorisation is implicit when this activity is advertised, permitted and not prevented.
The wellness centre, sauna, swimming pool, partner of AUFGUSS undertakes to provide the AOS with all necessary information about organisational, emergency and rescue plans and to provide any other useful information to carry out the activities of the AOS within it.
To become a member of AUFGUSS, the Centre must present its liability insurance, the regularity of renewals and the ways in which it covers the AM which generally operates there on a voluntary basis.
AUFGUSS member centres, or which intend to seek sponsorship for AUFGUSS events, must establish a regulation to protect the client's privacy. In compliance with the provisions of art. 13 Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n. 196 (Code concerning the protection of personal data) each Centre, in its capacity as data controller, in the person of its legal representative pro tempore, has the task to inform all users about the purposes and methods of personal data processing, their scope of communication, dissemination and the rights provided by law in favour of the data subjects.
The information collected by the Centre's staff may also relate to confidential information about the client's health status, which will be used solely to avoid any harmful interference with the services or treatment requested.
The retention of sensitive data that must take place in accordance with the law will be limited to a period of one year from the last visit and after this period the data will be destroyed.
However, this data can be destroyed at any time at the customer's request.
The regulations should also provide for the protection of the user's right to protection of his or her image and confidentiality, by expressly prohibiting access to the Centre with video cameras, mobile phones, tablets or other devices.
During special events, photos or shots may be authorised only by Centre staff, not by individual users, and their publication or dissemination through social media should be communicated to users who should be free to express release from this activity informally.
The compilation and publication of video shots or sequences have the sole purpose of representing and making known to a broad public the good practice of sauna as well as the sharing of AUFGUSS activities in the AM rallies and/or in competitions. Any other purpose should be prohibited, unless explicit and unambiguous consent of those involved.

Art. 11 The AOS in the race

During Competitions, Tournaments or races in various capacities organised by AUFGUSS and sponsored by it, the AM will behave according to the ethical principles of each sport. He will respect his discipline, his opponents, the regulations, the judges, accepting the verdicts, except for the forms of appeal provided.

Part Two

Art. 12 Protection of the AUFGUSS name

In carrying out their activities, AUFGUSS members must not, by actions or omissions, damage or compromise the value and image profiles that characterise AUFGUSS and its good name, nor its planning, i.e. the activities it undertakes to achieve its objectives.

Art. 13 Transparency within AUFGUSS and towards third parties

The Code of Ethics reflects the commitment of AUFGUSS Members to comply with current laws, but also the desire to operate, in each concrete profile of their action, according to transparent rules of conduct.
In particular, AUFGUSS members recognise their responsibility to ensure that the necessary human and financial resources are found in an ethical, professional and transparent manner, in accordance with the sole interest of AUFGUSS.
Members commit themselves to financially support the activities of AUFGUSS, also by collaborating in fundraising from third parties, paying great attention not to send AUFGUSS loans that could jeopardise its independence.
The relations with the institutions, the Public Administration and the companies that support AUFGUSS are inspired by the principles of correctness, impartiality and independence and are reserved to the statutory bodies that represent it: President, Vice-President and Treasurer.

Art.14 Relations with " Interested Parties ".

AUFGUSS intends to develop, also thanks to the Code of Ethics, a fiduciary relationship with its Stakeholders, i.e. with those categories of individuals, groups, associations or institutions whose interests are consistent with the objectives and activities of AUFGUSS and which, in various capacities, can contribute to the achievement of its mission.
Without prejudice to the above articles, AUFGUSS commits itself to accept funds to support AUFGUSS and specific projects conceived and carried out independently and independently, unconditional donations and ad hoc funds to carry out legal and deliberate activities.

Part three

Art. 15 Ethics Committee

To oversee the reception of the Code of Ethics, its application and any need to sanction behaviours or situations that conflict with it, the AUFGUSS Ethics Commission is established. It is composed of three members, elected by the assembly with a qualified quorum. The Commission remains in office for three years. It is not possible to be elected for more than two consecutive mandates.

Art. 16 Conduct report

The Commission acts ex officio, if in any way it becomes aware of conduct worthy of assessment, or upon the undersigned report made by any member, administrator of the structure or user.
The report can in no case be anonymous, must be signed and must be detailed with an indication of the information elements to enable the Commission to carry out the verification and investigation activity.

Art. 17 roles and tasks

The Commission investigates, ex officio or following reasoned reports from Members, cases of alleged breaches of the Code of Ethics by submitting those that are manifestly unfounded or of minimal relevance.
It imposes sanctions up to the complaint on the basis of which, in its opinion, the disputes or allegations of breaches of the Code of Ethics were founded. It submits to the Board of Directors the cases in which the most serious violations of suspension or expulsion are foreseen.
It expresses advisory opinions on the application of the Code at the request of the Members or the Governing Council. The Commission may be requested by the Governing Board to express opinions or recommendations, also on a preventive basis, in relation to cases of behaviour which, although not constituting clear violations of the Code of Ethics, do not appear to comply with the general principles of the Code itself or with the associative ethics of AUFGUSS.
It appears at least once a year in front of the Assembly to provide a report on its work.

Art. 18 Research

The committee meets on self-convening or to inform the MC if timely evaluation and monitoring is needed.
Upon receipt of a report of an alleged ethical violation, the Commission, having taken summary note of the dispute, assesses its admissibility or its claim of lack of merit or manifest irrelevance. If it believes it will follow up the investigation, it will appoint a member as an investigator.
The investigating director shall collect the necessary information on the facts without further formalities, to summon the accused member or, if not possible in person, to contact him to inform him of the dispute, giving him a copy of the report, assigning him a deadline of no more than 30 days to send his justifications and clarifications. Once the material has been collected, the instructor proposes to the commission the results and any decision to be taken due to the existence of the conditions for the imposition of a sanction.
In the case of the penalty of expulsion, a special session will be activated before the Board of Directors in plenary session, where the Commission will report on the investigation. The prior formulation of the guilty leader to the interested party is mandatory, which allows him/her to participate in the plenary session of the CD to exonerate him/herself.
The preliminary investigation procedure, except for cases imposed with suspension and expulsion, must be concluded within three months of the opening of the procedure and the expression of the sanction within three months thereafter. In cases where the Commission expresses the request for an expulsion order, the President, upon receipt of the request by the Commission, issues an immediate suspension measure for the member for the time necessary to take definitive measures.

Art.19 Verbalisation and retention of documents

The entire preliminary phase should be recorded with identification of all those present, indication of the date of the meeting and subscription to the closure by the participants.
The related documents are kept by a member of the Commission invested for this purpose in the role of secretary and are available to the MC, with a mandatory obligation of secrecy on what has been learned and acquired. Dissemination of what has been learned in the preliminary investigation constitutes a violation of the code of ethics and will be directly sanctioned by the CD.
The shareholders themselves who submitted a report to the Commission must maintain the necessary confidentiality in this regard pending the outcome of the investigation itself.

Art. 20 Sanctions

The measures that may be imposed in the case of proven violations of the rules of the Code of Ethics, in any case with a warning to immediately cease the reprehensible conduct, are as follows:

  • Written reminder;
  • Censorship;
  • Associative suspension for up to 6 months;
  • Expulsion from AUFGUSS.

The Governing Council shall have exclusive competence for the application of sanctions exceeding the complaint.

Art. 21 Conciliation and measures ancillary to sanctions.

Before resorting to written measures, the Commission, in relation to the type and seriousness of the report, if the conditions are met, summons the reporting party and the partner to whom the proceedings are being conducted to verify in direct terms the repentance of the conduct and the mediation of any conflict between the parties. As a result of this action, the file is archived without further disposition and the documents are not made public.
The written appeal and the complaint shall be imposed by the Commission and notified to the party concerned and to the President. The measure shall give reasons for the investigation, the findings, the rules or principles violated, with an express invitation to cease the impugned conduct with immediate effect.
These measures are not announced to third parties and remain in the association's documents.
All AUFGUSS shareholders are notified of the application of sanctions for censure and suspension.
Suspension and expulsion are imposed by the MC at the end of the disciplinary procedure and are effective upon notification to the interested party of the decision, with the related reasons, which shall be carried out in person, if present at the session, by registered letter with return receipt or by registered mail.
Those who have received the sanction of the complaint may not submit an application to the Commission for the following three years.
The suspension of the sanction results in a ban on passive election as part of the DC for three years after the closure of the disciplinary procedure.
Against the penalty of expulsion, the accused is granted recourse to the sentence of the meeting, upon formal request to be submitted to the president of AUFGUSS within 15 days after the formal receipt of the disciplinary measure, and in this hypothesis, an extraordinary meeting will be convened within 30 days, with the mandatory participation of the CD and the Commission; the assembly will decide by majority and the sentence will be final.
If the penalty of expulsion is not contested, it is enforceable.
Expulsion from AUFGUSS is made known on the AUFGUSS website in the specific section for disciplinary measures, and will be made known by any person.

Art. 22 Duty to collaborate

Members have a duty to cooperate to verify facts and situations that are for the attention of the Commission. Every direct obstacle, every extension, every unmotivated slowdown in the procedure and its conclusion is in itself a reason for disciplinary sanction. If it is implemented by a member of the Commission itself, it will be subrogated by the President and the CD.
Members to whom a report has been submitted to the Commission are entitled to view the act of reporting for the sole purpose of pursuing their counterclaims, not to use them for the purpose of furthering legal proceedings.
The Commission always assesses whether the report constitutes a case of criminal offence for the content described or for defamatory intent and takes appropriate action, in consultation with the Chairperson, in relation to reporting obligations or opportunities to report to the competent authorities.

